Laser not coming on

Just tried to use my laser engraver, but it does not turn on. I get the small light, but it does not turn on to start etching or engraving. I’ve done a picture with it when I first got the machine almost two weeks ago, but have been 3d printing since the first picture. Is there something I’m missing? It should be pretty self explanatory. Plug it in, turn machine on, home, set material thickness, adjust focus. It runs through the code for adjusting the focal spot, but nothing get etched in the wood. Bad module?

Do you have the enclosure and are all 4 for magnets in the correct places to trigger the 4 door sensors?

You’re right, I’ve had the door open so long with the 3d printing that I forgot about the door sensors. I would think it wouldn’t run at all, not just shut off the high voltage.

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