Printer Never reaches target Temp

When I select a file, the target temperature shows on the touchscreen and the bed and nozzle start to heat up. But after a few minutes the target temp changes to 0 and they stop heating. When I try to cancel the print the touchscrenn is frozen and doesn’t respond. This seems to have started happening after I updated my version of Snapmaker Luban. I tried updating the firmware, downgrading Luban, switching to a different usb stick, trying different print files, changing the filament, and recalibrating the printer. I also tried the steps listed here, except I don’t have a multicable so I didn’t try that, but I recently replaced the heating tube so I doubt that is the issue. Any ideas about what I can try next?

Usually that would happen because the controller is going into a safe mode due to some kind of hardware failure. Upgrading firmware/Luban etc is unlikely to fix the hardware issue.

I don’t know what, if any, logging is available on the original, but it sounds like the thermistor isn’t reading properly. Might need to contact support if you will end up needing a replacement part.

If you replaced the heating tube, you might not’ve gotten the thermistor back in the hot end correctly. Double check that.

If you’re not afraid of editing your GCode, Luban by default will try to heat the hotend and the bed at the same time. If your power supply is dodgy, it might not be able to handle that current pull. Or by separating them, you can figure out which one is causing the problem.

My Startup GCode looks like (the numbers after S are ºC)

M140 S60 ;Start heating bed
M104 S210 ;Start heating extruder
M190 S60 ;Wait for bed to reach temp before proceeding
M109 S210 ;Wait for extruder to reach temp before proceeding

If you reordered those to be

M140 S60 ;Start heating bed
M190 S60 ;Wait for bed to reach temp before proceeding
M104 S210 ;Start heating extruder
M109 S210 ;Wait for extruder to reach temp before proceeding

it would heat the bed, wait, head the hotend, wait. If it heats the bed, but fails during the hot end, then you know where the problem is. If it heats both, then it probably means your power supply is nearing the end of it’s life.

@clewis I re-ordered the Gcode and it was the extruder that was failing to heat. The bed heat up fine. I adjusted the positioning of the heating tube slightly so it was exactly centered and that fixed the issue. I thought for sure it wasn’t an issue with the hot end because I just recently replaced the heating tube and was able to print afterwards, so your method of troubleshooting really helped. Thanks very much!

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