Print head crashed, scored the heated bed, now temps not reported on display

Last night, I had a foul-up, which caused my printhead to come down too close to the print sheet. When the bed moved, the sheet slid away and the print head dug into the bed, dragging for about 5 inches. I reset everything, rehomed, and all looked fine. When I run the bed temp on the controller to, say, 50C, it will just give the current bed temp and the target temp, but the current bed temp will never move on the display. When I feel the bed, it is definitely getting hotter, but I’m afraid it will run away with the temp, if it’s not being reported correctly. Any ideas? Not sure if the bed is shot, or if something blew out on the controller.

The thermistor which is responsible for the recognized temperature sits in the centrum under the bed.
Are you sure your cable is OK?

Do you see the copper wiring on the top of the bed? - Is it broken?
Not sure how the thermistor is wired to the connection on the backside…

But it’s available in the store so no big deal to replace.

I have measured the thermistor, to verify change in resistance with heat. I checked it where the cable is soldered to the bed, and also at the controller end of the cable. All looks correct. Bed is heating too, but for some reason, the controller doesn’t report the current heat.

Also, while I figure there’s not a heating element right in the middle with the thermistor, where are the elements? I feel heating in the 4 corners, but nothing at all near the middle. Does the heat radiate inward, working its way to the thermistor in the middle.

Heating elements snake across the entire surface the heating bed, the thermistor is underneath. Seems like you have a break in your heating element.