Printbed thermometer broken

I switched back to 3d printing after using the other modules for a while but now the print bed doesn’t seem to heat (or measure it correctly).

Trying to heat to 65 it seems to stall at 28 or 29 degrees. The back of it feels hot, almost too hot too touch.

I’ve tried unplugging/replugging the bed cable and power cycling with no luck. Any other ideas?

Is my bed just dead?

Do you have a ohmmeter? Measure the 2 small terminals in the plug, should be in the ballpark of 100kOhm. If it’s close to 0 or close to infinity then the thermistor is broken.

That’s probably not the issue though if it’s reading a constant 29 degrees.

Did the thermistor fall out of the bed from the bottom?

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Could you please measure the resistance value of the thermistor of the heated bed when it is not connected to the controller?

Here is the thermistor-temperature sheet for your reference: