I’ve ran into the first issue a couple times and my solution was to stop using Luban… Joking, but really not joking. I can’t help with that, sorry.
The second thing with the off buttons - at least for me, it shows the state it’ll go to when you click it, not what it is now. For me, it turns it off then you click it, then it’ll say on, and if you click it it’ll turn on.
I know you said it doesn’t seem to do anything at all, so that’s weird. Not sure why it’s not working. The command it sends for the LED lights is M1010 S3 P100, and M1010 S3 P0, you could try sending that in the terminal and seeing if it controls the lights.
There’s a spreadsheet someone from staff posted in the forum with “all” the undocumented gcode they added, but it’s incomplete, and @Franky posted the full list here: