Print from computer issue and enclosure options

I’ve been using snapmaker 2.0 and luban for quite a while now. But even with the lastest version 3.9.0 and latest firmware and a wired ethernet connection to my printer, Luban always says


When I run a job from the desktop. Which is ridiculous since I at the same time see the X, Y and Z parameters changing in the background and if I let it be, it will successfully print whatever I had loaded into Luban.

Likewise, the enclosure options
always shows as off and doesn’t seem to do anything at all.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this, or it’s just “a known issue” with no resolution in sight?

I’ve ran into the first issue a couple times and my solution was to stop using Luban… Joking, but really not joking. I can’t help with that, sorry.

The second thing with the off buttons - at least for me, it shows the state it’ll go to when you click it, not what it is now. For me, it turns it off then you click it, then it’ll say on, and if you click it it’ll turn on.

I know you said it doesn’t seem to do anything at all, so that’s weird. Not sure why it’s not working. The command it sends for the LED lights is M1010 S3 P100, and M1010 S3 P0, you could try sending that in the terminal and seeing if it controls the lights.

There’s a spreadsheet someone from staff posted in the forum with “all” the undocumented gcode they added, but it’s incomplete, and @Franky posted the full list here:

I stand corrected, it did work, I have the machine in the garage so I must have messed up when I tested last time. Thanks for clarifying.

As for not using luban, I know I should probably search this, but what did you replace it with? And how do you send data to it via network?

I usually run prints locally from the touchscreen by transferring a file to it over wifi. Luban works pretty well for that, although recently I’ve been using a script that directly pushes files to it. Much thanks to @zvalentine22 for that See more here:

I also have used the Simplify3D machine control panel with the USB connection.

For laser I use Lightburn to generate gcode, and run from touchscreen or run directly in Lightburn over USB.

For CNC (haven’t done it yet) I plan on generating gcode from Fusion360, and running from the touchscreen.

There are alot of good options out there… probably the best (and most expensive) is otctoprint, witch runs on a pi that you have to set up…