Post Processor Required for CNC?

Thanks @xchrisd. I had been going in circles trying to find a good link to those files.

Hi there, I’ve noted some doc bugs in this forum post:

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I am just starting my CNC learning journey and I have reached a road block as I can generate gcode file using FreeCAD but I cannot get SMLuban to read/download the gcode file. A am now aware that i need a post processor to get Luban to accept the FreeCAD gcode file but failed to fine such a link. Looks like you were addressing the problem back in Feb. Any advice please on where to go to get access to post processing script for FeeCAD?
Many thanks

You can find them in the github repositories:

Thanks. I was unable to down load any files from github so emailed snapmaker. They responded immediately provided all asset files in .zip which I was able to download. I milled my first test piece from FreeCAD to gcode (Path Workbench) to cnc to Luban and it all worked as expected. Great work to make py file, greatly appreciated.

I have successfully used fusion 360 post processor and the tool files. I have completed my first project from design to manufacture using Fusion 360 and Snapmaker 2.0. However, Fusion 360 still requires a lot of learning time to get proficient versus my VCarve Desktop software. Importantly, I want to do v-carve inlays, but from what I have read so far, no one knows how to do it effectively using Fusion 360. So I thought I would use VCarve Desktop to design and create g-code. I have gone to this Snapmaker Github site for a post processor, but it is not clear that it is functional and has not been looked at since October. Importantly, it is not clear to me how to download the *.pp file to upload into VCarve Desktop. Plus, I have read that those who have tried it find that it will not load the gcode file to Snapmakers controller. Net, could someone provide an update on the Aspire Post Processor, where it stands and whether or not it is available for use? VCarve software is used by many CNC hobbyists and this would be a worthwhile addition. Aspire and Desktop use the same Post Processors from what I understand. Luban is not very effective for more advanced hobbyists and is quite buggy. I do not know enough about coding to help here, but I would be glad to test any development that becomes available and pass on what I have learned. Thanks…

im still waiting for the vetric pp to work properly. it was updated 6 month ago on the git page but you cannot download it as their is now download button for the 3 or 4 excess pp. but the tool database is downloadable.

Tried the post processor for freecad and could generate the gcode and load it into luban. it looks quite okay but i cant send th code per wifi and usb also doesnt recognize it. can someone help?

For Vectric Aspire or VCarve - just copy the text from the pp files on Github, dump it into a simple text file, change/rename the filetype to .pp, and install it. You might have to restart the Vectric program once, but it worked for me…

I have a 3d scanner that I use to upload 3d scans using photogrammetry or LiDar into a modeling program, then export to Aspire and then from there i can carve CNC. You can also do this directly in Aspire from the point clouds but I find doing it the other way gives more detail.

Did you try doing it with the GitHub desktop?

I would like to see a post processor for carbide create. It is free, easy to use, and generates tool paths that are efficient. Creating the tool library is also an easy process as it is just a .csv file.

I can’t get the rotary module to work under Fusion. I have a license for fusion and rotation. But I only ever get the message that this alignment is not supported as soon as I want to generate Gcode.

Hi, did you import the post processor for Fusion 360? Here is an image of it.


You can download it from the following link: GitHub - Snapmaker/snapmaker_cnc_post_process

Yes, I installed the post processor. I’ve also made several cnc parts with fusion that worked well.
I only have to adjust the spindle speed manually.

I use Varicad which exports Autocad style dxf files, R13 - Autocad 2013 . Luban imports them as small 39 odd mm graphics . That I have to manually re-scale . I can create a 100mm square and give Luban the known dimensions and it turns out with the correct dimensions. Add a circle or arc on the outer edges , apply what should be the known outer dimensions and Luban seems to add buffer , preventing the correct arc or dimension. I can manually create tool path slices from dxf slices , but having to tweak every scale manually wastes so much time. Is there anything non proprietary that will create tool paths from an open standard like step or stl ? Or is there a way to have Luban recognize the dimension information correctly in dxf’s

Really need to fix the documentation on the website. Specifics:
The README file refers to a document under which zendesk claims no longer exists.
The YouTube video should show importing the post file same as in the tool section.
The README file should indicate which .cps file to import for which machine.

the link

does not work>Support->Snapmaker 2.0->Under the FAQ CNC heading CNC Cutting with Files Exported from Fusion 360

Ought to get you started.

The zendesk links change, but you can always browse to the FAQ from the support website.

Thanks Brent! This will keep me busy Fientje being.