Original vs A150

Hi guys,
I’ve just bought my Snapmaker Original from Amazon and can’t wait to start use it…
I’m always thinking if I had to wait and buy the new 2.0 A150 machine so my question is:
which improvements has been made on the new A150 relating to the original? I know the A250 and A350 is bigger but I’d like to focus on the A150 improvments.

Is there some improvements that I could apply on my Snapmaker Original buying some additional parts or making some modifications by myself?
For example the 3D printing module seemd to me that on the new model has a new/different fan diverter… could we print and just add it on the Original?


Hey @Bullone

The big differences:

  • filament runout sensor
  • Cooling fan for print part able to be regulated
  • print size
  • automatic bed leveling
  • camera module at laser-head
  • cnc-module runs different speeds now

sure, you could upgrade your machine yourself.- There are many part cooling fan solutions on thingiverse and in the snapmaker showcase forum or you create your own :slight_smile:
Filament runout sensor to add would be possible by using octoprint/raspberry (have not done so)

I am running my original till the kickstarter special and it works great. Some cooling from time to time helps to improve the quality of tiny print parts.

The auto level is nice to have but no need to, i calibrate the bed maybe once a month and have like no leveling problems anymore since i perfectly calibrated once.

Hope this helps!
If someone knows more changes, PM me and i will add to this list!

Thank you so much xchrisd, for your fast response!

I’m new in 3D print so I’m searching on web about filament runout sensor and it sounds good feature so if you have a link to how to do it for our Snapmaker it would be great.
I’ve also bought the enclosure but not sure… the Original one can be paused to chenge the filament or when the enclosure is getting opened or… ?

I’ve found this interesting cooling fan on thingiverse (thanks also for this site):

what do you think about it? DO you know if is there the stl to make the 2.0 version cooling fan or a better one?

If I’m not wrong I’ve just read that the A150 reach 160x160 also on CNC works… is it possible to enlarge the Original dimensions to get it as the A150?

The CNC module on the 2.0 use the same motor? Is it possible to runs different speeds also in the Orignal?


Hey, if you are new, i don´t want to give you too much input for now how to make anything.

Filament-Run-Out doesn´t work with the Snapmaker alone, i think you need some other microcontroller or raspberry running octoprint to check the status of a runout switch.
I think any microswitch would work in this case. You have to cable it to the raspberry, print a case for it and program it on the raspberry running octoprint.- I haven´t done so and i think there would be other ways to protect for filament runout like the Filament-Manager-Addon (making it with software, on octoprint)

The enclosure just protects you in case of laserengraving and i am not sure, cnc carving.
I don´t have the new enclosure.

The fanshroud from tone is great! You can download the stl´s under THING FILES, for free.

Bigger build space is not possible without larger Axis addon.

CNC and different speeds: never used this, don´t know if it is necessary.

Hope this helps!

BTW, you have to run many of trail and error, search the forum if you run into any issues before opening a thread :+1:

Ok I got it! Thank you so much, I really apprecite!

There is a kit to make the Z axis taller, but extending the X & Y axis requires a larger build plate.

larger axis for x and y are possible but not supported yet…
even a bigger bed is possible but you have to buy and build/solder it on your own.

The 3d printing module on the A150 is different from that of the Original. But you can always DIY to make changes to your Original.

Thank you guys for all the info!