Just assembled A350. Got into the first set up and calibration. Go to load filiment and it says let it heat up to 200. but its stuck at -30 sometimes flickering to 29. Changed the hot end, there was a spare in the tool kit. Still at -30.
Am i missing something or did i get D.O.A. parts?
When you plug in the hotend 4 pin cable, can you verify all 4 pins are present? 1 or more pins easily can get pushed out of the connector, causing that issue. Hot End Connector - Pin Gone!
There are only 3 on the controller!
check in that thread he posted, you can probably find it and push it back where it belongs.
it probably didnt snap in place and pushed out when they plugged it in
and or tell support@snapmaker.com about it
That did it. I had to dig into the side to find the cable, but its back together, minus a shrink wrap…
but she’s heating up now thanks