No movement at all

I’ve had my A350 for about 6 months with no problems. Recently I had a print finish and it was late so I shut it down for the night. The next day after powering up I went to control but when I hit home there was no movement. Then after a few seconds it went to manual jog. No movement there either. The bed heats up as well as the nozzle. The filament drive does not turn either. There is no noise like something is trying to move.

I have a support ticket in but that is slow going. I’ve submitted my logs and machine info but so far the only suggestion was to check that the cables are clean on the Y axis because a log showed an issue.

I’m hoping the forum might have a clue or suggestion. It’s been 2 weeks and I’m having printing withdrawal.

Did you make a firmware update or something?

Is your toolhead detected correctly?

Could you move your axis seperate if you disconnect one axis by one from the controller or splitting module?

The firmware hasn’t been updated, at least not since I was able to print. I haven’t tried to start it up after separately disconnecting an axis. When I go into Luban it actually detects my printer as an original instead of an A 350. When I get home I will disconnect the y-axis, the one tech support the log showed an issue with, and see if I can move the other axis with the controller.

Just an update. One of the Y modules was bad. I received the replacement and I am up and running.