Hey folks. I teach writing a literature local community college, and I came in to help them with their 3D printer. I build 3D printers of my own and have been using them for close to 7 years. This snap maker A350 has been sitting here for a year and the computer guy has never been able to get it working so I thought I’d give it a shot. Checked to see if all the cabling is installed correctly and went through and double checked all the components to make sure everything’s correctly installed. When I turned it on it gives me a warning about heat and safety and it goes immediately to a screen that asks to do a bed level calibration. When I hit start calibration the x Gantry moves down and then slams into the bed and then the y moves all the way forward. I can still adjust up and down but it won’t let me actually save the settings.
I have adjusted the bed sensor so that it is a little bit closer to the bed, actually it’s far down as it will go without being lower than the nozzle. The red light comes on so I know it senses the bed, it just seems like the printhead moves in random directions. I’m completely baffled here. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I’m attaching the link of the printer error so you can see a video of what I’m experiencing.