I just installed the new linear rails, noting the 08mm are for the Z rails.
After updating firmware manually (system was already at newest firmware, so I put newest firmware on a USB and manually updated.
When trying to run the auto calibration, the build plate tries to run too far back on the Y axis and I can hear it clicking/grinding. Then It drops the control head and is out too far in front of the build plate so when it drops down it doesnt sense anything and goes too far down and starts pushing the buildplate down. I havent let it get passed that, I shut it down.
The system will go “home” fine, but if I try to manual use the touchscreen controls the the bed does not seem to run into a limit switch moving backwards and grinds. It also seems to allow me to control it to lower than the bed.
Any help on if this is a defective linear rails or if I am doing something wrong would be appreciated.
I will try that when I get back home! Funny I didn’t try the #1 troubleshooting trick. I usually turned it back on under 30 seconds from when I shut power off.
There is actually no limit switch on the motor side of the modules. That is why homing is always done in the direction away from the motors; the limit switch is activated for the home position, then movement towards the motor is just limited by the distances set in the firmware.
One trick that has worked in the past is to turn the power off and move all the axes to their home limit by hand. Then turn the power back on and operate the machine as you would normally. If this doesn’t work, then yeah, contact support.
So… That did not seem to work either. But doing some more investigating, it looks like both the X and Y movements with the new 20M rails are not registering correctly. When I go into control and tell the Machine to move 10mm in the Y direction it travels about 28mm but only registers 10mm in the control screen.
Is there a way to calibrate X and Y travel like there is for E steps?