Hi guys,
today I realized one of the linear module has got a strange play: in the attached video I’ve just made a little movement with my hand to show you what I’m talking about.
I opened the cap and the two screws described in the following link seems ok:
Not sure on the other screws on the inside and how to check them.
Is there a service manual for check or repair the linear modul? I’d like to dismount it and check if the screws on the white (theflon?) guide could be get lose, what do you think?
What could be happened on my Snapmaker?
I played with the CNC on wood, pcb and plastics… I was supposed that material are ok, correct?
Thanks for response!
I’ve already checked out the 4 screws of the slider but they seems already tighten.
I’ve swapped the linear module with the one that old the bed (maybe it is better position) but I’m not happy because I have not solved the issue.
Can you guys please chek your linear module to see it also yours meke this kind of “play” moving with your hand?
Yes, the issue happened on the Z axis so after checking the screws I’ve swapped it with the Y axis thinking that the Y may be less affected by this “play”.
Now it works better and I’m testing all 3 modules but since it also happened to me that a screws comes out I’m just thinking that my Snapmaker may be faulty, what do you think about it?
Also… the issue is still present now on Y axis even if it probably not impact on the works.
No, not a lot, I’ve just used the CNC module to engrave some wood and PCB and to cut couple of plastic box… I never used the CNC on the metal or material too hard.
I’ve bought my Snapmaker few days ago on 01/04/2020!
Tracy are you part of the Snapmaker official team?
Can you give me an email address to ask for an official support?
Even if placing the faulty module on Y axis seems fine I’d like to fix the problem and check also the other modules to not come in the same issue in the future.