Loose Linear Module w/ Workaround Attempt


I am mostly posting this video so that when support does respond and asks to see evidence, i will have it ready for them.

The reason is I am going to try a workaround which doesn’t involve taking the rail apart (to protect the warranty).

This video shows that the linear module for my printhead is loose. It may not seem like much, but it is creating issues with my prints to the point I can’t print many things of actual use.

My attempted work around is going to be simply trading the linear module around with one that the print plate is controlled by, in hopes that the heated bed being mounted to it against the 2nd rail will keep it sturdy enough that I can at least start getting SOMETHING useful out of my machine while I wait for support to reply.

I am posting this video now, because I don’t want to have to take apart half the machine to put the original module back to show them.

I will also follow up with the results, incase other people are having the issue.

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Thank you so much for posting this. I’m going to cite this post in my own support ticket because I’m having a similar issue all of a sudden. This is how I described it:

Currently I have a backlash compensation of around 0.1mm to correct it. Which is about 5x worse than it was a week ago. Something has definitely changed.

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Use at your own risk of damage and warranty voiding:


Yeah thanks for linking that I’ve seen that. But with Adam’s latest post I’m not doing anything without support’s blessing. They can’t have it both ways: Post self-help instructions for disassembling the linear module in their support website, and then denying warranty claims when you follow those.


That is precisely what is happening with me.

I have made the swap out. If I wasn’t convinced before I am now, the thing is about 500% noisier than it was previously from the table going in and out.

I am screwin’ around with some spool I am not used to right now so I don’t know if this is the best example but when I am done I will share if it was any better or not.

I have some other short videos during disassembly I will add onto here in a bit to show how severe it really is compared to a “fresh” one.

Here’s a picture from when I was trying to burn a hole through 6mm plywood. I had a bunch of tests set up with a circle around the first one. Here’s what the circles look like:

As a side note, I did finally get through the 6mm ply - 50 passes at 0.5mm/s. I’d describe it as “charred, but functional”, ha.


All right so as i said I had some other videos during disassembly, plus I shot another one of how its going afterwards so far…

First, mid disassembly -

Comparing the two modules -

Starting printing again -

You’ll hear my plea for a pre-made g-code for a temperature tower so I dont have to figure it out at the end :wink:



Also, wot in tarnation is that phone rocker doing in the background. Are you cheating your steps goal or something?! Is that the phone equivalent of a manual watch winder? You’ve surpassed wireless power and you’re charging your phone by winding the spring?

Haha, i shoulda removed that…

I play Pokemon Go, and its getting steps to hatch eggs for me. 15 bucks!

Thanks for the help

Calibration cube post module swap

Top, Middle, Bottom

X: 20.09, 20.11, 20.07
Y: 20.05, 20.06, 20.10
Z: 20.06, 20.02, 20.07

Prior to this change, I had these readings:

X: 20.42, 20.35, 20.38
Y: 19.73,19.78, 19.88
Z: 20.42, 20.30, 20.32

Significant improvement.

Nearly consistent, a slight decrease in flow rate is probably all I need.

And a drink.

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That’s great, nice job! Your variation is better than .06 total, that’s fantastic.

So you just swapped X and a Y? And the Y carriage is rigid enough? That’s awesome.

Yes sir I just traded them around.

It is a lot more noisy than it was before, but quite accurate and round.

I had printed out some little peg board clips overnight for a battery dispenser that came out really rough before and they are perfect now.

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Which was the X-axis and which was the Y-axis in the photo? It looks like you’ve got backlash trouble on one axis but not the other. And if it’s on the Y-axis, only one of the linear modules might have the problem.

Backlash can either come from the threads (lead screw and drive nut) intrinsically, but can also come from a loose mount. Given that your backlash changed recently, it might be a mounting screw somewhere has come loose. Might be time for some thread-locking compound to prevent vibration-induced loosening.

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Yes, I mentioned in another topic but not here, X axis needs to have a BL comp of 0.1mm, before this started it was 0.02mm. Something has loosened up internally, as the external mount is verified as tight.

Just to clarify why I’m posting - with support threatening to void warranties for opening linear modules up (despite having instructions on how to do so on their official support website), the only recourse is to post and wait for support to give you the blessing to open the module up and fix the obviously loose eccentric nut.


Hey so, its not great, and one of the balls kinda fell apart a little bit… but I successfully printed a functional 608 bearing :smiley:

Im gona practice this a bit more id love to impress my dad with a good one


If you didn’t use a raft: I had to use a raft. The internals of the bearing were pretty fragile, needed the sacrificial nature of the raft to get destroyed instead of the rollers.

Glad to hear you’re getting closer!


Snapmaker have already accepted that there were a batch of Linear modules that are faulty, mostly sent in September/October group. I have received mine but am yet to build and check.

They have already announced this and will replace said modules when you contact them.

If you have received your orders in September and October, and if you have a faulty linear module related to the issue, we will replace the linear module for you. We want to make sure that you are fully satisfied with the quality of our product and we want you to go through the same premium experience as designed with your Snapmaker. To further express our sincere apologies, users that have received their orders late will have early access to the upcoming Snapmaker 2.0 rotary module with a special discount of $50. A dedicated link will be sent out to you through our newsletter when the rotary module is released.

Hope this helps

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I ordered my SM 350A in July 2019 (as part of the pre-sales batch) and received it in mid September 2020. How can I know if my lineal modules are part or not of that batch with faulty modules?

I am experiencing some issue like the “Y-axis Bump” (due to linear modules not moving at the same speed), lines that are not the length they should be when engraving and circles not correctly drawn.

Could it be related with this issue?

Thanks for the answer! I am really looking forward to making this machine working correctly.

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This is precisely the issue people are having with the faulty batch. I would recommend you contact support and request replacement linear modules