My A350 keeps "losing" power then reboots with the option to continue print

Hi all,

I’ve recently started having a very annoying issue with my A350. Whilst 3D printing, it randomly stops, moves to the top left corner of the bed and the entire machine reboots. The message that then comes up is the “lost power” message, press continue to resume. It’s acting as if there has been a power cut, but there hasn’t.

This has only just started happening today since I updated to the latest FW. Over night the printer completely stopped randomly mid-print, with no reset message. This is what prompted me to update but now its doing this every 10-20 minutes.

The issue is not power supply related, I have anouther printer (Prusa) running from the same power supply socket and thats not having any power issues at all and continues to print. I have had both printers running fine from the same power source for years until today.

Any help will be appreciated?

Many thanks,

In my opinion, this is something related to the overload of the Snapmaker power supply module.
Check carefully and in detail heated bed power cable - its entire length insulation. It often happens that this cable breaks internally very close to the bed, makes a short circuit or causes an overload of the power supply. Then the whole machine restarts as in the event of a power failure.
If the insulation of internal wires is damaged, such a situation will occur more and more often. :pensive:
Alternatively, for a test, try to print something without heating the bed or burn something on the laser for a long time … and you will see.
Perhaps something else is overloading the power supply? :thinking:
The fan is working properly? Is it not clogged or very dirty?

Yeah, this sounds like a check-the-cables thing. @Tomi is right about the heated bed power cable—it doesn’t have enough built-in strain relief and often gets damaged on the larger Snapmaker models. Also make sure the cables running to and from the power supply box are firmly plugged in at both ends.

I’ve checked the cables and its still doing it. The thing is I’ve been using my snap maker for a long time for Laser, the 3D printer ive only just started using last month. If the heated bed cable is damaged all ready thats really not very good quality and would be such a shame to a otherwise sturdy machine.

Hi, mine started this recently, did you ever find a fix?

JonB, Norway

My a250 did the lost power thing a few times also, not as frequently as you are describing and only after the machine had been running long enough that the rails themselves were pretty hot. I unseated and reseated the primary power supply cable to the can bus hub and each of the rail control cables… kind of rubbing them on a few times in case of a little bit of surface corrosion or something, and it hasn’t done it again but once since then after like 12 plus hours of continuous print after print. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve got a wear and overheat issue in one of my rails that might be triggering a shutdown somehow.

My replacement rear fan for the PSU ( I sourced my own because the original was so bloody noisy) also started squealing and had to be replaced more recently than that, but I don’t think it was related. The bearing failure on that fan was so loud it was obviously completely new.