Machine Not Responding when processing large files

I’ve been printing pretty consistently for the last few weeks, getting lots of pretty good prints out of my A350.

I’ve noticed that when I send it a larger file that takes more than about 10 seconds (I haven’t timed it) to “process”, the touchscreen displays the “Machine not responding, would you like to reconnect” message.

It seems to work fine if I reconnect, so it feels like more of a communication timeout than a real problem.

If I press ‘No’ (not reconnect) then I start seeing android " has stopped responding" - Fasttouch or something, maybe the name of the touchscreen app.

Is this something others see as well when 3D printing larger files?

Same error for me. And if I reconnect sometimes enclosure isn’t detected anymore. So I had to turn the power off and restart.
“reconnect” error is frequent for me.
I checked cables and everything is OK.
The error occur while loading a gcode from USB stick.

For me it only happens when sending gcode from cura.
gcode from Luban doensn’t do that ‘processing’ stuff so the problem doesn’t show up.