Machine Correction After Installing Bracing Kit and Changing Slicer Settings

I just received and installed the bracing kit in my A350. Very happy with the fit and finish. I started the machine up and first thing I did was go to settings and make sure I selected the “bracing kit installed” option. I then ran an auto calibration (I only do 3D printing) but noticed the Y axis didn’t compensate for the tool head being moved in the negative Y direction. I figured the machine would compensate for the braces since the Y travel and Z travel are reduced. When I started a print the initial idle position (where it goes to before it purges and travels to the first location) was correct and not shifted in the Y negative direction. However when it started printing the location of the model was shifted in the Y negative direction, when it is centers in my slicer.

What’s odd is I just now turned off auto calibration and ran it again, and when the printhead got to the first position it seems as if it had made a compensation in the Y axis. Does anyone know why it might be applied only to manual leveling and not auto? Or will there be an update to correct the machine’s position when auto leveling with the bracing kit?

I also wanted to ask what I should do with my slicer settings. I use Cura and I want to make sure everything is corrected to avoid issues. I measured the offset from each brace as ~0.25" and reduced the Z height by that, and the Y by 0.5". Are there any other changes to be made? or is the Y not even affected? I am not sure if the nozzle can reach the Y positive limit of the bed.

Do I need to adjust the printhead settings in Cura? maybe by changing these it can update the position of the nozzle?

Here is the workspace size listed for each add on.

Its clear, if your slice doesnt know your correct machine size it could not print in the correct position.

Not using Cura but there is a plug in for download, unfortunately it’s not updated yet:

Thanks for the FAQ link, I hadn’t seen it while searching about this. Cura will let me resize the machine, and I adjusted the volume and have been printing. Minor gripe that doesn’t really affect anything is that the print origin (center of the bed in the slicer) is now offset in the negative Y direction. Cura has some more settings for the printhead but i’m not sure if they’re the correct settings.