M190 and M109 not waiting

I’ve been trying to print with ABS and I found that despite having M190 before M109 in my G-code, the uit will start heating the nozzle immediately and then heat start heating the bed. The problem is, the nozzle gets to temp rather quickly and it takes 25-30 minutes for the bed to get to 95C. During this time, the filament overheats in the nozzle and clogs. Am I missing something or is there something I can do in the g-code to stop this from happening?

You can comment out M104 M205 and then put M109 S205 behind the heated bed commands.

The printer will heat up the bed and the target temperature of the nozzle is 0℃ because it does not get the right temperature of the nozzle.


That worked but unfortunately I think there is still something wrong with the machine’s firmware.

My start g-code used the following command to preheat the nozzle:

M104 S160

The nozzle would NEVER preheat to 160. It would immediately start heating to the setpoint, which in this case is 265. I already had the code at the end as you described:

M109 S95
M190 S265

M104 Set a new target hot end temperature and continue without waiting. The firmware will continue to try to reach and hold the temperature in the background.

Use M109 to wait for the hot end to reach the target temperature.

But you use M190 S265, which sets the bed temperature to 265 degrees. It is out of reach and please keep the bed temperature under 100 degrees.
