I’ve had experience of a few 3D printers in the past, and I’ve only had my SN2 for a little while, but one little foible of the snapmaker which bugs me is that it tries to heat up both nozzle and bed at the same time. Since the bed always takes longer to heat, that means that material is sitting in the nozzle, at high temperature, for a good few minutes while the bed heats up. Not a particular problem for materials with no additives, but I know from experience that this can be an issue for materials with e.g. wood in them, which can carbonize and clog a nozzle if left sitting for too long. Also, it just seems plain inefficient.
I could lobby for a firmware change, I guess - or is there a gcode header I could add to sort this? At the moment I manually start the bed heating early, but I never ge the timing right, and it seems like something amenable to a more technical solution. Any suggestions?
Good news for you. This is just in the gcode and Luban indeed generates the code as such that the nozzle starts heating immediately. As I’m lazy, personally I usually just heat the bed manually (swipe from the rgiht to the left on the screen, choose control and set the bed heating temperature)
Or you can do it in the gcode. The Luban gcode has these commands neat the start of the file:
M104 S205; set the nozzle temp to 205
M140 S70; set the bed temp to 70
M109 S205;Wait for Hotend Temperature
M190 S70;Wait for Bed Temperature
If you move the M104 and M019 down below the M190 the hotend won’t start heating until the bed is hot enough. Something like this.
M140 S70; set the bed temp to 70
M190 S70;Wait for Bed Temperature
M104 S205; set the nozzle temp to 205
M109 S205;Wait for Hotend Temperature
Other slicers often do it differently out of the box or allow you to configure it that way. (PrusaSlicer does, and maybe Cura as well). But as I said, I usually set the heating bed temp manually before I start a print and when it has (almost) reached the target temperature I load the job.
(Not that you have to stay in the control menu or the heating will stop again)
Thanks Bruno. I’m more familiar with Cura and the way it can set gcode headers that are printer-specific - that would be nice, then it would just be there every time. I’m guessing this is not a feature of Luban?
I could go back to Cura, I guess - but I’m lazy too
But if you’re used to Cura, why not use it? (Luban uses the Cura engine anyway).
There was a recent post that the Snapmaker 2 would be in the the list of devices for Cura and recently someone posted a “send to snapmaker” plugin so you can send jobs over Wifi. (a quick search in the forum should get you there)
You’re right. Out of the box I wanted to start with the “out of the box” software to make sure everything was okay, but now I’m a few prints down, there’s no reason not to!