I hope you’re doing well! I’ve been using my Artisan printer for a couple of weeks and now I’m trying to experiment with different profiles and settings. I set up Octoprint pretty quickly, which has been great for the web UI and camera stream to the printer.
For Cura, I used the Snapmaker Plugin and it worked well for single extruder projects, but I had issues with stringing and a rough surface whenever I tried something with dual extruding and support material. That’s why I switched back to Luban for those kinds of prints.
After looking through the forum, I noticed a few posts about Prusaslicer for better results, but I couldn’t find any Artisan-specific profiles. So my question to this community is: What do you use and how do you like the results? It feels like the Artisan is still new to the community, which is why we might not have customized profiles yet.
I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences on this!
I kind of gave up using Luban for 3D printing, especially in dual extruder. The main problem I had was oozing from the in activate extruder… Cura did a bit better job with retraction and wipe. While they both did made great print but it is always messing with lots of oozing filament flying off everywhere… tried with with prime tower etc. I am using Simplify3D for all 3D printing, still got a little tweak to made but right out of the box its a much better and cleaner print, not to mention very clean support too.
Have you received any response yet on where to obtain the Artisan profile, and how it would be loaded into Prusa?
I have had good luck thus far with Luban, but would like to use Prusa for it’s ability to “paint” specific areas on the STL file once it is imported. You may already know that this function allows you to specify the various areas of the STL where you wish to have different colors, thus eliminating the need to prepare separate STL files and then merging once they are imported into the Luban software.
If you would be so kind, can you advise to any progress on obtaining the Artisan profile? I am presently using a modified A350 profile in Prusa.
Unfortunately no. I’ve yet to find a profile for PrusaSlicer. Currently looking more closely at what Luban has configured and If I find the time I’d probably try to replicate as much as I can for PrusaSlicer or Cura
Iv had a Prusa mk3 for 6 years and it worked perfectly out of the box.
So I really have no idea how to get my A350 Artisan to work any help would be greatly appreciated.
Luban is useless and it would be great to get Prusa slicer to communicate with the A350.
Please update here if anyone find the profile to use Prusa slicer for Artisan. It’s a much better user interface and provides great features. I give credit for Snapmaker on the build of the printer given it’s quite expensive any way, but their SW sucks.
Yeah i can share what i know if you want but you have to adapt it to prusa slicer by yourself cause i dont have any specific knowledge.
I use Orca which is a fork of prusa slicer but some options may vary
While digging through the Awesome Snapmaker List I found SMFix which seems to add support for the Artisan to PrusaSlicer. As I’m currently in a Laser-focused project I’ve haven’t had time to test it yet.
Checkout the sm2uploader from the same list, both tools are made by @macdylan , later versions of sm2uploader contains the smfix, so you don’t have to use a separate tool and can enable wireless upload. Two birds and all that…
P.S. any Input on improving the list is appreciated.
Thank you very much, I will definitely check them out. While I don’t have them by myself I’d love to see the community collaborate on profiles for the different slicers (like the Snapmaker 2.0 CURA Profiles from mpoxde )
So today I set out trying to migrate to another slicer other than luban. After some research, I found GalaxySlicer which is based on OrcaSlicer and does already include a profile for the Artisan. Unfortunately, I did not get it to work. I sliced a simple sample project and it seems like there is an issue in GCode that gets generated. It does not set the bed temperature correctly and is an infinite loop waiting for that to happen.
After examining the GCode from a file that was created from Luban I switched a couple of lines but it seems like there are similar problems when doing the first layer.
To be honest - the more I use that printer (and I honestly use the 3D-printing part 90% of the time) I kinda regret not buying an expensive 3D Printer rather than a more expensive multi-purpose device. Researching Snapmaker support for any 3rd party tool is a hassle.
If there’s anyone here who has a good setup for 3D printing I would like to pick their brain.
Right now my main issues revolve around:
A lot of small stringing when printing with PETG (Snapmaker one or eSun)
Clocking when trying to dual-extrude (even with the parts to fix it distributed by snapmaker)
Filament change procedure (as dual-extrusion is a hassle most of the time changing the filament at layer X would be enough for me. Doing it with Luban requires me to pause the print or change the GCode manually)
Default Luban profiles are very slow (even the fast one)
I use Cura for more complex prints or when Luban fails me.
There’s a snapmaker plugin that enables printing on Artisan. You’ll find it in the market place.
I agree with your issues, they’re present especially with PETG stringing. But keep in mind that’s a known issue with PERG, and might not be an artisan specific issue. Try drying the filament, might help a little.
Are you fine with the default profiles provided by the plugin? When directly comparing a fine print from Luban with the ones from the plugin I found the Luban one to be better.
Regarding the drying I bought a dry-box just for PETG which made it better, but not good
I usually tweak the profile based on some test prints.
Sometimes I decrease the print speed, sometimes change layer heights, or decrease or slightly increase the retraction.
But I did give up on printing dual extrusion with one filament being PETG. it’s just too stringy.
I didn’t master dual extrusion on the artisan and unfortunately it’s not that easy.
There are some online articles (I think one is in All3dp website) about tweaking to decrease PETG stringing. Check them out.
Since the new release of Luban that allows for multi color “painting” of the STL model, I have discontinued my pursuit of using Prusa since this was my primary interest in this software. As long as Luban continues to improve and offers additional functions I think SnapMaker is on the right track.