So I see some references to a profile for Prusa Slicer but it is a few years old and apparently “not optimized” ? I am new to 3D printing and experimenting with different slicers. Luban is alright but I did not think the quality was perfect, hence I was investigating slicers with more control. I like the UI of Prusa Slicer but the defaults it comes with seems to create worse quality prints compared to Luban and not having had enough time to analyze the exact requirements for my 350AT I am wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to fine tune the settings for the Snapmaker 350AT version?
I did my first print ever in Luban (some small disk), and it came out perfect.
Then I printed 3DBenchy with Prusa Slicer, using profiles I found on this Github page). While it did print a lot faster than Luban, the print quality was not really good.
Then I switched to Cura. I don’t fully recall, but I think I didn’t have to do any configuration other than selecting Snapmaker A350 from the dropdown list. Prints come out really nice.
However, I think with some minor tweaking of those Prusa profiles you would also get really good results. But I didn’t know the meaning of the slicer parameters back then. In the meantime I do but I didn’t bother to try again, as I’m happy with Cura…
Succes printing!
Yes, I have come to the same conclusion. I have set up cura with octopi/octoprint and I am getting good results. The only thing I have to get is a octoprint compatible web cam. My old Logitech is not compatible aperently.
It all depends how much time you want to invest in learning how to get the best prints possible. It’s not something that you can learn overnight, or even in a month. It’s something that you will learn over several months, to years. I created something like 4 different print profiles, and 5 or so filament profiles, that were added to the GitHub location above. They were created last year, and everyone who uses them, tweaks them to meet their needs. The names of the profile names don’t match those of Luban, so you’d need to look at the characteristics to compare apples-to-apples.
I have moved on to SuperSlicer, which is a super set of what PrusaSlicer offers, and requires even greater knowledge. If you have the time to learn, and experiment, you should be able to obtain better results. However, if you think that you should be able to obtain perfect results, that is an unrealistic expectation. Luban is designed for people who don’t have the time to look for something better, or to experiment. If you obtained good results with Cura, then PrusaSlicer and SuperSlicer should be able to provide the same results, or better.