Profiles in Cura or Prusaslicer?

I’ve been using Luban for my 3D printing and slicing and it’s worked fine for me so far, but I keep reading about people liking the results better, as well as having more control over settings, with Cura or Prusaslicer. I’ve tried importing settings and/or following the Snapmaker info on Cura but can’t seem to get it to work. I don’t know if it’s a problem using the mac version or the programs have been updated since the guides were written, but the menu’s don’t match up with what the guides show - different selections, terms, choices. When I try to use the “normal” “fast” or "draft settings for Cura I get an error message. If I do manage to save g-code it either doesn’t work or doesn’t seem to get the right nozzle and bed temps. Not sure what I’m doing wrong and if it’s something simple or if I’m doing everything wrong.
One thing I am doing is using luban to send the g-code wirelessly. Would this be causing problems? Does it revise the g-code? I assumed it just sent it as is. Do I need to use a flash drive?


I understand your frustration, the cura profiles provided by Snapmaker are done a bit odd in my opinion. I have a profile that works well for me, I will put it up here tomorrow (when I’m not laying in bed trying to sleep xD) just to be clear were you able to follow their guide to set up the machine settings? If not I can try to help with those as well.

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Did you follow this FAQ?

I followed the FAQ, but as other people have noted the numbers are incorrect for the printhead settings. I ignored and went with “-” as other people have. There’s also an additional item “heated bed volume” I left checked.
I completely uninstalled Cura and then reinstalled it and went through the FAQ steps again and reimported the three profiles. That seems to have fixed the slicing error and now I can export gcode and get it to start printing by sending over wi-fi.
Now though, if I choose one of the SM provided profiles and I pick a different material it doesn’t seem to change the nozzle temp (or any other print settings either) It stays at 205 no matter what material I pick. If I choose any of the cura defaults everything changes appropriately. What am I missing here?


Snapmaker has overridden many values so they no longer auto calculate. I will post a profile based on their settings but without unnecessary overides within a few hours.

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here is the profile i use, i have removed most of the overridden values except those i found to be important. it should respond well to modifications (such as layer or material changes). give it a shot and let me know what you think.
SM2 Ultra (1.9 KB)

its a zip because the forum will only let you upload it that way ^_^;


Thanks! Hopefully I’ll have a chance to try it out tomorrow.

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Realized I never posted results.
I’ve only had a chance to try it once. Been too busy playing with the other functions of the machine (cnc & laser) and just trying to get TPU to print. (Solved by the adapter) and haven’t needed any of Cura’s special settings. So with all but that one print I’ve used Luban still. It did solve all the problems I’ve had trying to use Cura. Don’t get errors anymore and it allows me to change all the settings.


Have you been using this profile with the added 5015 blower or just regular cooling?

Forgot about this thread.
Had still been using luban until a few weeks ago.
But then I needed to print some things that needed supports.
So went back and played with this as a starting point.
Really happy with the way things are printing with it.
I’ve just been using regular cooling. Haven’t felt the need yet for the added blower on anything I’ve been printing. 50/50 PLA and PETG.


The profile I posted was developed with regular cooling, if you have the 5015 fan mod, I recommend turning the regular cooling fan speed down to about %60. And to set the bridge fan speed to about %90.