Hello, i am new here and i have question. The program works fine for me but when i want to laser text the passes must be 2 times. I want to change it to 1 time but i can’t. Is this correct ?
You have to uncheck Multi-pass.
Hello Edgard; it is just a case of unchecking the multi-pass checkbox on the process page. The attached illustration shows the editable fields from the process page. (highlighted in red)
- Uncheck the Multi-pass checkbox
- Set the Passes option to 1
- Set the desired pass depth
That’s all.
Hello Chris; I did not see any replies so I posted mine and then yours from some 29 minutes earlier than mine just magically appeared. Kudos!
thank you ! it worked. what is a good program to draw ? with luban it is good to draw a circel or a square but i want to change a file from internet.
For SVG files, Inkscape is a good and free option. For other images (jpg, png, etc.) Gimp is a powerful free editor.
Edgard, can you explain a little more about what files you want to change?
my drawing is to big for the snapmaker A350. It is a buildplan for a car. So i want have the drawing in smaller parts. But now i can not cut one piece of the drawing because it is a drawing with 20 pieces. I hope i explaned it good. My English is not so good.
Thanks that i can ask things. I learned a lot today with the laser.
Here is a really good demonstration of making a piece that is bigger than the machine.
If that does not do it for you, you can look at a technique known as tiling. It is frequently software specific but it is probably easy enough to cut an image into the required pieces. Let me know how you get on.