Luban Laser Etch fails to generate toolpath

I’ve tried using Luban4.14.0 and it fails to generate toolpath for laser engraving a photo on Windows 11. I understand there is a suggestion to use Luban4.13.1-beta.1 to generate toolpath from August, but this doesn’t fix the problem either. Has there been any update to fix this to generate the appropriate toolpath for the 1.6W laser?

I am using Snapmaker 2.0 A350 with the 1.6W laser.

Have you found a workaround for this issue yet? I’m experiencing similar issues when using Luban (4.14.0) to etch a photo onto black acrylic using the 2W laser. I successfully etched a number of small sized test prints (default greyscale settings, Stucki, default line-filled Acrylic) but when I try to scale the image up (319 x 319mm) and generate toolpath Luban typically hangs at 40% completion and never finishes the preview. It happens on different PCs too. I’ve submitted the photo to the support team and await their response, but I need to get this finished so I’ll be looking into and learning Lightburn,

No. It has to be a software issue. Light burn costs money but at least it works. I might have to do the same.

SM were able to duplicate the problem after I sent them a video. They acknowledged that the default settings were too demanding for Luban to handle. They recommended that I reduce the image size or change the Fill Interval to a higher value. Neither was acceptable to me so I’m switching over to LB for this project.