Failed to create Toolpath error when generating G-Code

I just updated the Lucan software and am having an issue generating the G-code, very shortly after I press “generate G-code” it fails and a message flashes on the screen for a microsecond and states Failed to create tool path. I have restarted both my computer and my snapmaker Artisan, calibrated my machine and tried various versions of the file. Nothing works.
Have worked on it all day feeling like I flushed 3k down the tank.

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Once to be said, for slicing and generating a tool path from a 3d model is no machine needed.

This is a basic move, first slice your model with selected options and generate the tool path. This could also be done with other slicers than Luban so no real issue.

Now, after gcode generation you have to export the code to your machine (workspace, wifi, USB,…).

After this or before printing, you have to prepare your machine (calibration, load filament, set work origin in cnc).

Please share a picture from your Luban screen when you get the tool path error (maybe error code and how the model is placed on the bed).
Maybe even share your model and settings?

i have problems with lasercuttingtool as well. I created what i wanna engrave, but when i press the preview button there is nothing shown. I can’t export the file as well and if i want to use the shape library, an error is shown.


Be sure your machine model is correctly set up.
I remember a a similar issue where the model size was too big (eventually the rectangle around the primary model), try to resize it.

i recently had this issue as well and found that there is a 4.13.1 beta update that fixes the issue of generating the toolpath. i downloaded it and so far it seems to have fixed the issue.
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