Lost Serial Port Connect

I need a little help.

My A250 devices after upgrade to A250T.

After updating the OS to 1.18.1 (previously installed according to the device’s info 1.18.0), I cannot connect to the machine using a USB cable (Serial Port).

I warn you about questions about whether the cable is properly connected, it is fine. The USB-A end is in the computer, USB-B in the controller port.

After running LUBAN or another program with a command console, it does not find the machine by COM ports. CH340 driver reinstalled after unsuccessful connection attempts.

It connects via WiFi. However, I need access to more commands from the console, which can only be executed via cable.

Any suggestions that would not involve restoring the machine’s previous OS versions?

I would suggest to try another cable or computer or terminal software, luban is not that stable for me.

What commands are not available via wifi? - Never was unable to tweak the printer by wifi since Luban is able to respond other letters than OK.

Ok, I managed to solve the problem. Probably when inserting and removing the pendrive with the new OS to be loaded (it didn’t want to update over WiFi), I broke the USB cable and the plug came out of the USB-B socket in the controller.