Layer shifting to right

please help. No matter what I do layer shifting gets worse.

Need photos and more details.

What printer model?
What firmware version?
Which print toolhead?
What filament?
Which slicer software?
What print settings?
Was it working ok before?
If so, what have you changed since then?

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It was doing fine till I downloaded latest firmware. I use luban always have. Snapmaker 2.0 A350T. I have tried several brands of pla get same thing. I have changed print module, hotend and have all new rail modules on the way.

I have Snapmaker 2.0 A350T. I use Luban and always have been printing over a year but not without issues at times. Have tried several brands of pla same results. This started after updating last firmware. Have changed print module,hotend and just purchased new linear modules. Its very frustrating.Please help

I have moved different places on build plate still shifts

Have you tried to revert the Firmware to check it is really Firmware related?

@Pbnew Did you try reducing the speed?

Not sure how to revert and am printing slow 18 to 20

You have to download the firmware from

Load the firmware to a USB thumb drive or send it over wifi, then start the update.bin like a print on the machine touchscreen.

Did you mean 20mm/sec?- This is really slow, and slow enough that there should be no problem even at excessive acceleration…

It only shifts in X (toolhead axis)?

Do you have the 8/20mm lead rails or the old 8mm?
If you print that slow I guess your x axis is faulty…

What @xchrisd said. I concur that if the firmware was the only thing that really changed recently, and it was printing fine up until that point, that is almost certainly your issue. Most likely the firmware became corrupted during install. It is quite common for that to happen when updating over WiFi. You can revert back to the older version to see if it fixes it, or you can also use the same process (via USB) to force a re-install of the latest firmware.

A couple years ago I had firmware install issues happen to me several times when updating over WiFi. Since then I have exclusively used the USB method and it has never again been an issue. Also make sure that you cycle the machine power off for at least 30 seconds immediately following a firmware update. This is a standard procedure for most computers, as they can hold old firmware/data in their memory, and it can cause conflict with the updated info until the power is shut off and the memory is dumped at that time.

Thank you I will try this as nothing else has changed it just started after update.

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I reverted back used USB to download firmware did not help. Still shifting to right. Any other ideas I have none. Just a dust collector right now.

@Pbnew Are you getting the same results when printing other objects? Perhaps you could print a simple object (no overhangs) to see if the problem persists…

Yeah, definitely try a different object now and then re-slice this one before you try it again.

If you have old linear modules this could be a disalligned thermal silicon pad, unfortunately I can’t find the guide for this…
Here is a linked video, the pad is visible on 18sec.

Here is how to disassemble: