Suddenly starts shifting in x direction every loop

I have the latest Luban and the latest 1.16.5 firmware installed on my A350T with the single extrusion head, not the double.

I had a few good prints after upgrading the firmware and everything seemed great. However today I tried to switch from PLA to PETG today and did a bed calibration and now I’m seeing layer shifts. But these are so extreme I hesitate to even call them that.

I’ve tried three different models, one of which I successfully printed earlier but after the firmware upgrade.

It prints the brim just fine and maybe the first two or three layers are just fine. And then it will shift to the right by about half an inch, lay down what should be the outer wall, shift half an inch to the left again to print the inner wall, shift half an inch and continue until it reaches the edge of what the x axis can support and start making noise as it tries to print beyond the print area (obviously I stop it as soon as it gets to that point).

I’ll try to get images and a video as soon as I can but hopefully the description is sufficient for some ideas.

I’ve used Luban and Cura to slice with the same results. I’ve tried running it from Luban and transferring the file and printing from the machine.

I’m going to try to downgrade the firmware as well as Luban and see if that makes a difference. But given it worked before with these versions I am not hopeful.

I’m hoping someone can recommend other steps I can take.

Went back to 1.15 for the firmware and the behavior remains the same. Now trying to downgrade Luban to see if that makes a difference.

When it starts to happen seems to vary. In this case it started before even finishing the brim.

It seems your x linear module is faulty.
What speeds do you print/travel?

Unfortunately you have to open a support ticket or send a email to

that’s what I was afraid of but have come to the same conclusion after seeing the same behavior after having downgraded both Luban and the firmware and printing after slicing with Cura.

I usually don’t touch the print speed from the defaults. Most recently I’ve been doing “Fast print” settings for a few prints I’m prototyping in Luban which has 60 mm/s print speed, 70 mm/s travel speed. Usually I use the Smooth Surface or Strongand Precise settings which are both 50/60 m/s.

I’ve had it awhile but have not yet done CNC or laser on this machine. It’s all been 3d printing.

I’ll open a ticket.


Just to test, try a slow print using High Quality. My Original will do what you’re seeing if I try to print at 100 mm/s, but works fine at 70 mm/s.

I ended up swapping the X for the right hand y linear module (it could really not be harder to do this with the enclosure) and the shift took longer to start but when it did it started shifting towards the front of the machine instead of the right. It also started making an awful crunching noise.

I filed a ticket, provided all this information, and they let me buy a replacement (it’s over a year so out of warranty). I hope I just got a dud of a module and I won’t have to replace a module once every year and a half of just printing.