I have had my Snapmaker AT350 2.0 since November of 2021. Since then I have printed approximately 10 kg of PLA. I just started having problems with a random layer shift to the right along the x axis of a millimeter or 2 at random intervals. After talking with a couple of friends I investigated. I also consulted this forum. I finally swapped the x module for one of the y modules. The z had a different label so I don’t know if it is compatible. After reassembly the layer shift is now along the y axis, confirming that the module is at fault. Is there a rebuild kit available? Something with bearings, rod, follower, etc.? All parts that wear. My 2.0 came with the newer modules. Why can’t I buy 1? The store in the website shows a package of 5. It appears that the z modules will last quite a while so just purchasing the x and y modules makes more sense.
Last year the filament run out switch broke and the steel strip on the x module broke. (I don’t know if that had something to do with the failure of the x module.) But I have to wonder what is going to break next? Appearance wise I was impress with the quality of this unit but I am being forced to reassess my opinion.
Ive had this issue and after posting around and searching on this forum it seems that A LOT of people are having Z alignment issues on the new firmware.
My 3d Prints quality has gone to hell and im afraid to even try laser engraving.
Id really love to see an official reply from Snapmaker about this issue (I havent seen one but I dont know if there isnt one already) because its set me back in my work.
You have to contact support to purchase the linear modules individually. They do this to prevent people from buying a single updated module when their machine has old modules, because they cannot be intermixed and will lock up the machine if they are.
No rebuild kit that I know of, but the bearings and micro switches can be found on eBay. I believe all the rest is proprietary & custom made, so must be purchased through Support.
As @Mxbrnr says, you have to contact support to buy a single module. If one of your Y axis is weird, be careful that you’re not going to cause tramming issues. Since the Y axis is a pair of linear rails on the 350, I’m surprised you haven’t had problems already.
AFAIK, the only thing special about the linear modules is the extruded rail. I’m pretty sure you could rebuild the whole module off alibaba.
Thank you all for your input. I disassembled the whole thing. I took apart the module in question and could find no play nor blacklash at any point along the travel. So I am left to think encoder. This looks like an entire sub-assembly containing all the electronics and drive components and also to be where most of the cost of the module lies, so I guess a new module is the most economical solution. I am just sadly disappointed to experience failure in only 15 months of use. And very light use at that. I bought a set of 5 new modules. They are on sale right now for half off so even with purchasing the 2 z modules I really don’t want, I’m saving money.
Mxbrnr, I did find the micro switches on eBay. I bought a pack of 10. The limit switch is the same as the filament switch. The lever is different on the ones I bought. I just saved the old ones and snap them into place with some tweezers.
clewis, from what I can gather in my research, the x and y are the same module. The z are different. I had no tramming issues on the y axis. The initial problem was along the x axis.
Just contact support to get Help. Why directly purchase and give snapmaker more Money for their faults?
Colleague had same problems with layer shift and was able to solve them with reset the module Firmware.
Also I am estimating the cost of a single module to be around $150. They are currently on sale for half off. So I will have extra modules on hand for less than if I bought them separately. That’s why i ordered them directly.
i had a similar issue of the print shifting at a random vertical point in lateral ±1mm, i didnt confirm X or Y. Lol i solved by complete redesign of the part and retrying the print… i do updates when available so that may have solved it all the same… Imo based on that, its likely not a hardware fault [in my case] unless in combination.
the A250T 2.0 has the same rails for vertical Z as those running the X on the base. considering how much more the X is utilized, it only seems logical to rotate them at some point, prior to failure.
bigger issue, case in point at this price point [5-10x cost of a cheap unit] we paid premium for the aluminum finish - and ultimately we get to quietly chat amongst ourselves as the support team rolls out a luban update that is retrograde and counterintuitive to the prior one rather than resolving it. their employees are creating job security. sorry to gripe but as said prior by … basically everyone:@morpha@clewis @wrencher> im sensing buyers remorse and Im one more failure or regressed update away from liquidating this anodized money pit compliments of shenzen because - ask yourself this question if you dont agree with anything so far at $1300+ to start: HOW MUCH IMPROVEMENT OVER THE CHEAPEST PRINTER OUT THERE OF COMPARISON ACTUALLY SHOWS ON THE END RESULT?
i came from a monoprice mini and despite its failure the print quality at times was par or +.
i digress. among the layer shift problem ive lightly used it and the prox sensor failed on 2 heads and im on 4 nozzles, thermistors and 3 heaters. None are available locally. why bother owning something when its unfixable?
but to read wrenchers post about throwing parts [&$] at an unlikely hardware fault to the tune of a firmware fix upsets me given that expense among startup cost. imagine when the next failure happens … in lieu sits a 3000.00 actual industrial printer and aside from laser/cnc[yeah for plastic] we still only have a glorified TOY.
I feel the need to chime in and say Ive resolved all my problems and im getting perfect results from the laser and print heads again.
I reverted back in firmware and it got better than it was but it wasnt perfect.
So I took off my Quickswap mod. That fixed it.
Turns out after 2 years the quickswap tool had started to wear and have some flex to it which caused improper alignment when the filament was resisting being pulled by the head.
Ive had no mechanical issues with my Snapmaker. Just this one issue with firmware. The mod is not Snapmakers fault.
Can’t wait to buy the official quickswap releasing today. Hopefully It wont start to flex like my last one.