I’ve got an A350 I got used. I’m trying to get started with routing. All connections are verified. Luban never recognizes my device and asks what it is.
When I start up if I try to test jog functions with the controller it says it needs to get homed. I say OK and it goes nowhere. Jog does nothing in any direction. If I tell it to go to work origin, it may or may not move an axis but whichever one it does, it’s going to run into something. I have tried to reset all defaults. I have re-flashed from USB. I have tried limited troubleshooting from Luban via cable but I am too n00b to know what I am doing. I am capable of doing tech things and following directions. Please anyone who can help please do.
Is this using the cnc head? Temperature error is usually from 3d head and a shorted thermistor.
Does it have the upgraded linear modules? (Are two marked Lead 8mm and three Lead 20mm) If so make sure they’re installed with the two marked 8mm for z-axis (vertical towers). If they aren’t marked, then they are all interchangeable.
First thing I would do is check the limit switches. Usually the problem is with them being broken so they won’t register. If they were stuck closed though, you might get the problem you’re describing.
This is using the CNC head. Does not have the upgraded LMs. I will check limit switches when I get back to it but I have already replaced the X LM with a known - working spare.
When you say you tried to reset all defaults, you mean that you’ve gone into developer mode and done a factory reset?
You’re seeing the cnc head indicated with a green dot on the splash screen?
You can try the other heads. Don’t need to mount. Just off to the side. (If you use laser, make sure you’re wearing laser glasses and it’s pointed away from you and anything it could reflect off of).
Make sure you do all unplugging and plugging with power off. Triple check your cabling. Unplug and replug everything. Make sure the usb-c for the touchscreen (fyi, the controller is actually the part that all the cables plug into) is fully seated. Sometimes it seems like it is but needs an extra little push and click.
See if you can use the jog controls within luban to move anything.
I get no jog response after upgrading to v14.3 using the laser head. I downgraded to the latest 13 version and it worked. This stinks becaue I want to use the newer 10w laser but it needs v14 or higher.
Yes, I have less issue with 13 as well, but it’s all relative. Unless I have 3 functioning axes I have nothing. At least on 13 my controller knows it is an A350 (even if Luban does not). On 14 it does not know what it is at all.
I got mine working yesterday by taking some steps described here and in other posts. I unplugged and re-plugged everything. Then I took off the enclosure so I could manually push each module all the way to one end of the module and then back to the other end to make sure I’m hitting any switches on either end. Once I did this I booted up the machine and a new screen came up saying it had to calibrate the modules. Once that was done I was able to jog just fine in v14.3.
FYI, limit switches are only on the end opposite the cable.
To check if they’re bent or broken only need to undo the cover strip on one end and take off the end cap.