I cannot decide myself to buy a j1s
I hesitate with a qidi ifast.
- I need to print supports with a different material than the main material
- main material is either abs(or asa) or tpu
any advice ?
thanks for your help
I cannot decide myself to buy a j1s
I hesitate with a qidi ifast.
any advice ?
thanks for your help
well if the community is so active, I’ll avoid anything related to snapmaker, that solves it
For what it’s worth, there’s more activity on the Snapmaker J1 Owners Group on Facebook. A good few of them print a lot of engineering materials only.
I do wish more people moved here. It’s so much easier to search and link useful stuff in a forum over a flowing social media page with an algorithm constantly masking and moving things.
Sorry, I mostly do PLA/PETG/support materials. Did only a little tpu and that went fine.
The J1 is capable of doing what you want. I print with PC and use HIPS as support material.
Hobbyist here and owner of a J1, not a J1s
Once the profiles are tuned for the material, I’ve been able to print PLA, ABS, ASA, PETG, PETG-CF, PC, PP and TPU95 without issue. I’ve had some troubles with FilaFlex 60A, but this material is extremely soft and a direct feed is needed.
As for support materials, I’ve successfully used Aquasys GP and Aquasys 120.
I’ve not yet printed anything in PA.
For all of these materials, the all-metal hotend was suitable.
The bed temperature was also ok even for ABS/ASA, PC or PP (the later with magigoo PP, glass side).
Hope this helps.
You can change the max temp for the bed in the firmware. Mine is 110. Someone on Reddit set his to 120 without issues, other than it taking a long time to reach target temp. The PCB can handle 120 safely but I think 110 should be your max to avoid long wait times to reach target. I’ve also printed PC with bed at 100 without issue, so it’s fine even if you don’t want to change the firmware.
Yes, you can install chamber heater. You can use Octoprint and plugins to control chamber temps or you can use one of those cheap programmable temp sensors and a relay to do it without additional software and hardware required for octoprint.
I am in the process of a lot of mods to my printer. Chamber heater is the step I’m on now and I’ll be done tomorrow. I use octoprint with raspberry pi and relays, and control temp using exhaust fans and a heater with the Enclosure plugin.
@obertini Do you have a (Prusaslicer at best) profile for the Filaflex 60A? That stuff is the last reason for me keeping my Ender 3
I am also interested in printing low shore TPU
would be great if you shared your advancement or a tutorial ?
I’ll be making a post here and on Facebook when it’s all finished, and I’ll answer any questions.
btw, any reason people have the J1 and not the j1S ?
Age. The J1 came first and the aux fan upgrade later. That’s the only difference. Then they stopped selling without it.
It’s only useful for low temp materials, and even then it can be more trouble than it’s worth depending on part size. Like early X1c users found, it can cause warping on large parts. Some including myself added fan throttles for the aux fan.
If you’re printing high temp materials it must be off. The bed struggles to heat to even 100 C if the aux fan is on or the chamber is open in a cool room
Hi @Miq19 and @phil123456789,
I’ve not been using FilaFlex 60A for a while…
Your request triggered my willingness to support So I pulled out the roll from the storage bag and started a test.
From my past experience, there are a few points to pay a special attention:
Loading is difficult because the flow rate of the loading process is too high for that filament / extruder combination. I was successful by making sure the nozzle was preloaded with regular PLA or empty. With other filament types, I had issue loading the 60A. Additionally, I used a temperature of 225°C and as soon as the filament was flowing out of the nozzle, I stopped loading. Continuing loading would result in the 60A jamming in the extruder gear.
The PTFE tubing guiding the filament to the extruder is too long and generate too much friction. This was solved by loading the filament from the top of the printer similar to an Ender 3 or a Sidewinder. Here is what my setup looks like:
Print slowly and use minimal retraction. I sliced with Cura @20mm/min.
Here is a Cura 5.9 profile I quickly set up and tested: FilaFlex 60A Cura Universal Profile
It can probably be optimized but it worked reasonably well to print a calibration cube.
Hope this helps.
Excellent! Thank you very much for sharing your results.