Issues with first callibration

Hi everyone.

Brand new here. Not just to snapmaker, but to everything it does. So please pardon my complete ignorance. I have tried searching for my issue, but the responses ive found so far do not seem relevant.

I set up my a350t last night. During the inital setup and calibrations it wants to finish manually, but the buttons on the touch screen don’t seem to do anything, and i can’t move on

Im too new to upload, but i did throw a video on YouTube of what its doing.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Are you sure you have your Y and Z axis are connected correctly? When the machine homes it should be completely up to the top left corner.

Doesn’t seem to do it in your case?


It looks like you have the Y and the Z axis cables swapped. Please check all of the wiring to ensure that every is connected properly.

Thank you all. Cables were swapped. Now i feel like an idiot. Ill get the hang of it.