Issue with Cooling Fans Not Functioning in my 3D Printer Module


I am experiencing an issue with the cooling fans in my 3D printer module. I have checked the connections and they seem secure.

Additionally, I’ve tried connecting the 3D module from a different printer, and it works correctly. This suggests that the issue may be specific to this module or the current printer configuration.

Could anyone provide insights or troubleshooting steps to help resolve this issue? I appreciate any assistance.

Thank you.

Which module are you referring to? The single extruder, or the dual extruder?

The single extruder

Does it heat properly?
Does your fan work with a alternative power source?
Whats about the part cooling fan, are you able to control it by gcode?

Maybe want to reach out to support?

Is the issue with the heatsink cooling fan, or the part cooling fan?

You could try swapping the fans between the heads; this will let you know if it is actually the fan that is bad, or a control board issue.