New 3d Print Module
I bought a new 3d print module from Snapmaker. After installing it, I installed the latest firmware.
The filament is not transported through the extruder.
Does anyone have any idea what this could be due to?
Is it a problem you have when loading the filament?
If you get the nozzle to the right temperature for the filament and with the door open, can you push the filament (slowly) by hand through the extruder and out of the nozzle?
The extruder is not working. When I open the door, I can see it.
Maybe the cable is broken. Where can I get a new one?
I presume the 3D Print Module is recognised and there is a small green circle shown against it on the touchscreen.
You can test the cable by plugging in the CNC module (with power off, take care with orientation). You don’t need to change the bed or anything, just hold the module in your hand and then, making sure your hand is clear of the spindle, turn on the spindle in Control.
Green dot is visible. I can exclude this source of error.
Is the nozzle getting to temperature?
I can push the filament through the heated nozzle by hand.
So the gears are not turning when you press load (after the nozzle has reached set temp)?
Exactly that does not happen
You need to reach out to support then
That’s what I think too
Thanks to all