Is it worth it to buy a Snapmaker 2.0?

Hey folks,

I have gotten my Snapmaker a350, and I think I am ready to give my opinion if it was worth it or not.

The first attempt to print was dire. It bit into my bed and ruined one of the sides of the removable sheet. There were some very loud urrrrks as well with the rails. Everything I learned in my engineering degree screamed gear slip. I’m pretty resilient, though, and started debugging. I have heard new steppers do this before, so I wrote it off to the equivalent of “New gear who dis.” Minor fail but not the end of the world.

I flipped the sheet and recalibrated the printer. On print, it started to look like it might dig into the bed again, so I cancelled out of print.

From this point forward, I thought it wise to turn on the camera for Snapmaker’s support team encase I had a failed linear rail. As you can see in this video, the third calibration routine failed again, and there were a few more urrrrks sounds from the motors you can hear in the video. Because I’m the stubborn sort, I immediately reran the calibration routine. To my joy, it passed. From this point on, the printer has one or two more uuuurk sounds, but now, after a few hours of printing, she’s a tank. I am writing it off as just new gears being slow to get with the program. The prints are all excellent quality.
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I have a Prusa 2.0. I’m not too fond of the thing. It took me three weekends and endless hours of tinkering to print on.

My experience here is not that. I was printing same day as putting it together, which took me 4 hours.

So far, the 3D printer is solid as a rock. I am delighted with it. I think the other units will be equally smooth.

Is this printer for moms? Depends? I would not say it’s as easy to use as my Silhouette and my beautiful build had something to do with how many times I have rebuilt my Prusa. I have three years of experiences with that I bring to the table.

For people who are not on their first machine, there’s nothing here you can’t get around. Even Laban is better than I expected it to be.

I’m excited - I think my answer is yes, it’s worth it.