Greeting, I have just get my snapmaker 2.0 and currently testing and tuning it. I have printed a retraction tower with pre-compiled g-code. However, every levels of the tower seems perfect, no hair, no clog… How can I use this model to tune my snapmaker 2.0? Or did I do something wrong in configuring the printing configure before loading the g-code into the printer? Attached some image for your reference. Thank you in advance.
!Can’t help if you don’t post the g-code you used and what your source was.
@sdj544 Sorry for the lack of gcode. I have provided on the link above. Is there any problem in the gcode file? Thanks!
Uhh, what’s up with “your” temps.
All of those temperatures work fine for me. Except for 45C on the 2nd extruder? lmao.
Also all of “your” retractions are 2, 4, or 6mm, all of which work fine for me. I use 1mm.
It looks like all of the values in that tower, velocity, retraction, and temp are all reasonable, and all work on this machine.
I have run temp towers, retraction towers, and other tests as I detailed in this post here, maybe it’ll be more useful for you, for exploring the limits of this machine’s capabilities:
Other comments, it looks like that file is in the corner of your bed, things will print better in the center of your bed, usually.
Thought I’d share my own temp tower results. From 190 through 210 I also got no stringing. The retraction is 1mm at 60mm/s for all of these, 0.5mm z-hop
Your retractions settings are repeatedly the same
-2mm@2700mm/min / 3300mm/min [45mm/s | 55mm/s]
-4mm@2700mm/min / 3300mm/min [45mm/s | 55mm/s]
-6mm@2700mm/min / 3300mm/min [45mm/s | 55mm/s]
There is no temperature adjustment in the gcode,- i guess this is a temp tower, isn´t it?
Ahh, haven´t seen that you have replied also the retraction settings, brent