Horizontal Gaps & Vertical Lines (back of print)

Loose Linear Module w/ Workaround Attempt - Snapmaker 2.0 - Snapmaker: where creation happens this is where the most detail is, there was another one before hand when i was just figuring out the issue but this has pretty much all the detail

I like your enthusiasm!

but yeah z-seams are a thing, cura does have some ways to hide it and is pretty effective for the most part :smiley:

maximizing the yield of parts on your sheet - cura will certainly help, alot of it will be trial and error to figure out what works and what doesnt, especially because the print sheet isnt very flat. but im sure you can get a number of them going at once with a little tinkering yeah.

calibration with a bigger grid will help you out, and pre-heating the bed a little above your print temperature right before doing so will be a great improvement as well… at least it was for me.

simplify3d cut my print times down by like 25% or more compared to cura, but - it has some flaws of its own and is expensive.