I’m currently cleaning my linear rails on my A350 for the first time since I purchased it some 3 years ago. After removing the parts I found a small part sitting on the carpet. Does anybody know where it goes?
Hi, thanks for the reply. I’ve looked on the micro switch end and can’t find the part you have shown. Picture attached.
Do you mean this end?
The limit switches should be on the other end, opposite of the motor.
Found it. Hopefully I can get it back in ok.
Good luck.
Thank you. If it doesn’t work im hoping you can purchase replacement switches.
You can, but you probably don’t even need the actual switch. The metal levers can be removed/re-installed by just pinching the spit end. I purchased a set of the microswitches with the matching levers from Amazon for about $10 USD. At the time, Snapmaker was charging that amount just for shipping on one switch. The levers are virtually impossible to find on their own, and even finding just the switch with the right lever is incredibly difficult. I figured if I ever need the actual switch, I now have plenty of spares that just require a bit of de-solder/re-solder work.
Here is the link to the switches I got:
Be VERY careful when re-assembling the linear rail modules, as those little levers can very easily get bent beyond use (that’s what happened to me).
In addition: If it is the limit switch of Y or Z, I assume you can live with one being defective, as the other will be sufficient. I’d assume that it is enough that one of the switches is triggered. But it is an assumption, I may be wrong.
I’ve been able to order replacement switches from Snapmaker for $3. Postage was $10.
The bane of tiny parts!