Is that it? Is this from the public Github or another release from a private repo, does it contain inline laser power? I guess regardless it doesn’t include the PR that makes it work for 10W, so it would only work for 1.6W lasers
Thank goodness they updated the model description!
That was really keeping me from using my machine to it’s full ability!
Ah, another reminder of why I’ve never bothered to upgrade the firmware on my A150. Excellent! (If the inline laser power PR had been included, that might finally have been compelling enough to make me pull the trigger, but this? Nah.)
Even if that was the case still I’d wait - I have a sneaking suspicion the first release is going to be really buggy on the 10W. /shrug who knows tho
I just noticed the PR for the M1005 change is not yet merged in the public repo:
I think this is clear indication this release is from a private repository, yet again. I think they previously mentioned once they started adding release tags on the public repo they were going to stop using the private ones.
I’ve been holding off on the 10W, too, since it was initially only supposed to work on the larger machines, and I’ve been procrastinating since they changed their stance on that—I’m really good at procrastinating.
What’s life without a little adventure? …A lot less stressful.
I took one for the team and loaded the latest firmware onto my F350 with the 10W mounted. Aaaaand, no, inline is NOT included in this release. Loaded up one of the inline files I already had on the machine and it just pegged at 100% laser power. Flashed back to the inline firmware and all is well again.I wonder if they’re waiting until they can figure out grayscale in Luban before mainlining it…
Oh bugger, I forgot to check that awesome new about machine.
Looking at the changes, this may just be an update for the touchscreen/Android app and not for the firmware on the controller. Would be nice if the touchscreen software was open-sourced as well…
Seit diesem Update ist meine Sprache Deutsch mit Englisch gemischt - das ist nicht schön