I am using luban for the first time and am trying to do a 3d print. The “generate g-code” button is grayed out and I am unable to press it. Can anyone help me solve the problem? I have attached the print.
first print.zip (1.1 MB)
I am using luban for the first time and am trying to do a 3d print. The “generate g-code” button is grayed out and I am unable to press it. Can anyone help me solve the problem? I have attached the print.
first print.zip (1.1 MB)
The file you supplied doesn’t tell us anything.
Take a screen grab of Luban.
Is your machine selected correctly? Are you trying to slice something to large for it to print?
I am using the A350 and everything seems to fit. I am not sure why objects are red. If I move them to the center, and change nothing else, they turn white.
Huh. I used v3.15.1.
I restarted the software and reopened the file I sent to you and the error was gone. Strange error.
That’s the first thing you’re going to try to print on your SM?
You really need to start with a calibration cube or a benchy or something simple and get things dialed in before you try to print something that complicated, let alone multiple items.
Thanks. I already added supports to overhangs and bridges, used the highest quality print setting, and the printer does its own auto-leveling. What parameters should I trying to dial in? How do I physically do that on the machine?
(My print DID fail. It looks like the bottom layers are messy/unaligned)
Well, as a jumping in point you can read this:
@brent113 Thank you. That is an almost overwhelming amount of information, but I will try.
My first print looked the same, I did not adjust the 0 point with a piece of paper.
When I did that it turned out fine.