Help a couple of newbs?

Hi! Hubby and I are completely new to everything Snapmaker but we are super excited to get into it. We’ve been able to print a few things off thingiverse and engraved a couple images. Does anybody have a “dummy’s guide” to Luban? We don’t have any idea where to even begin learning how to use it and the video tutorials we’ve found are less than helpful.

the snapmaker has kind of “demo” designs for each function

i think its important to experiment with it to get a feel for things. there is a very limited selection of settings you can change in luban which quickly proves to be insufficient, but you have to get to the point where you are ready to move past it

i am sure you can find something, but honestly luban is just a stepping stone anyhow

if you have any specific questions please feel free to ask them, i personally have only used the 3d printer so far but i am almost ready to bust out the laser

There’s not a ton of things you can do wrong in Luban, so feel free to experiment. Once you’ve loaded an object, use all of your mouse buttons. Right click and drag is different than left click and drag. Scroll to zoom, etc. Those will come in handy after you’ve generated GCode, and you’re examining the different layers using the layer’s slider to decide if you need to generate supports or not.

You can’t change any of the Recommended print settings. To change them, you have to Customize, then duplicate an existing setting (the Plus button underneath the drop down). Once you’ve customized it, you can do things like enable supports, brims, rafts, etc. You can customize all of the prints speeds, but I pretty much stick with copying the existing recommendations and only change the adhesion and support sections. I did create a couple extra profiles with a 0.05mm layer height and a 0.4mm layer height. For when I really care about the finish, or just want to print something quickly.

If you really screw up a print profile, just delete it and clone a default one again. Like I said, there isn’t much you can do wrong here. The only potentially dangerous area is the console where you can send GCode directly to the snapmaker. There are reasons to use the console (see xchris’s 3D Print Guide for examples). And even then, as far as I’m aware, there’s nothing you can break that you can’t put back again