File transfer issues

Hi everyone,

I have currently lot of issues with send files to my Sanpmaker 2.0 A250. The file transfer is either very slow or it just break up. Even smaller file sizes makes a lot of issues.

Please advise.

Best Regards,

One more thing: I have the impression, that the problems are got even worse since I have put the device inside the closure.

How do you transfer the files?
WiFi, USB, USB thumb drive?
Make sure your wifi is strong enough.
I have no such problems with any firmware, yet.

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I’m using WiFi in order to send gcode files.

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Hi @reza

  • What the version of firmware and software you are using?
  • How long does this issue happen? Can you transfer the file quickly before?
  • What is the speed when the transmission is slow?

Hi Edvin,

I’ have the firmware version V1.10.0_20200723 installed on the machine. I’m not able to send any files before. The g-code file I’was trying to send was around 15mb. It is hard to say what the speed of transmission is but I’ve made video of interaction and you can see for your self how the problem occurs.

Since the video is around 2 minutes I’ve uploaded it to google-drive, below you can find the link:

Best regards,


@Edwin the Luban version I use is