Error in the machine snapmaker cnc or is the fusion 360?

because fusion 360 works all well and the cnc cutting simulation visualizes very well but when I move to the snapmaker with the cnc code the drill starts drilling from the air and finishes half the wood, that is not complete the cut because the drill started from the air to 2 or 1 millimeters from the wood , is that due to the error of reading the snapmaker machine? because in the cnc code it says that when the z goes down, positive numbers appear, no negative numbers appear so that it comes down properly and cuts the wood.

please help i got two days trying to resolve this issue

Where did you set your origin?

i set the origin since the surface of the wood board

or the issue is the tabs of the 2d contour in fusion 360, I have researched on the 360 fusion tabs the problem is the heights or geometry or the passes in multiple depths? which of these is responsible for lowering and raising the drill at the beginning?

I think he means where did you set your origin in Fusion.
There are two places where you tell Fusion what you want your reference point to be. The main one is in setup under “work coordinate system”. The second place is on the heights tab for each tool path.
If either of those are wrong you’ll have problems.
Also assuming you have the post-processor for SM installed and selected.

thanks I’ll go see what it’s like, because the truth won’t be used well the point of origin because it’s my first time I think that should be… I already send a screenshot of the point of origin in fusion to see if it’s okay or not

this is the point of origin solved that´s okay?

That’s the origin I meant indeed :slight_smile:

You’ve set it at the bottom corner of your workpiece. Did you also set as the origin on the SM when you started the job? If you configured the work origin on top when you loaded the job on the SM, then you’ll see indeed that it’s cutting above the workpiece in the air.

As it’s tricky to set the work origin at a bottom corner (you can’t do it in one pass as your drill can go through the material like a ghost, it’s usually easier to set it on the top surface.

Based on the screenshot you posted, I think you should also look into how deep your cut will be. Can’t see real measurements on the screenshot, but it looks like you might be using too big of a stepdown.
This thread contains a lot of useful info on cnc (and laser) to help you get started. Some info on cnc tool changes and combo cnc/laser projects

Your origin is set for the bottom of the work piece. You can do that but more chance of running a bit into your material. If you do it that way when you set z-height on SM you have to have the bit touching the bed. You’re better off setting the origin in Fusion at the top of your object and then setting the z-height on SM at the top of your material.

I forgot to mention you can also have a problem with stock size.
Since Fusion is designed for industrial use it defaults to rounding up your stock size. Have to make sure your stock size is set correctly too. Make sure the top and bottom heights are set correctly in the tool path. If you have any hidden items that are taller or wider they’ll affect the stock size and top height. Use one of the various selections under top height to set that where you want.


thank you it has already been solved I already work the cnc the problem is the point of origin thanks

one thing more , there other issue, there is another problem, is that the fusion simulation shows the drill cutting in the air that I do not need, since it appears in red lines that is the drill cutting, then as I do to remove this red space and start cutting from the surface of the wooden board

That’s the ramp height. It’s doing a helix maneuver that helps ease into the cut.
It’s normal. You can adjust how high it starts in the last tab of tool path. It usually is only 1mm or so though.
If your stock height is wrong and above your model top it will start higher and won’t cut as deep as it’s supposed to.