Dual Extruder filament jammed in the hot end

My latest print failed part way through when the left extruder stopped extruding. I was able to unload it but when I try to load again it goes part way in and then just stops.

I removed the hot end and I can see the filament flush with the top of the input tube, and it is somewhat jammed down because the broken end was getting smashed against it for 30 minutes by the extruder after it broke and jammed.

I tried heating it up and pressing on it to clear it out, but I haven’t had any luck. Anyone know of a way to fix this?

sorry you waited so long for this. take your 1.5mm wrench and loosen the set screw. twist and pull the hotend off. you should see the hotend withe the white ptfe tube and filament. now slide the ptfe tube off.
you should now have filament you can pull on. do this carefully so not to break the filament. if its hard stuck you can heat the nozzle end to soften. as soon as filament is out replace ptfe tube