I used Prusaslicer to add a “pause at layer” in the gcode then transferred it to SM for printing. However, it didn’t pause at all and finished til the end.
I thought if it’s in the Gcode then the machine should pause? Or am I doing something wrong?
From what I’ve read on the forums, it doesn’t. IIRC, you can use Cura to insert the pause GCode, but there is no UI on the controller to resume, so you’re stuck.
Correct. It should have paused with the right command, but there’s no way to resume it.
It’s been a much requested feature and rumored that the next firmware will include it.
Thanks for the input. I was able to manually intervene and pause, but it requires good timing and patience… having a feature to pause will definitely be helpful.
Looks like it gets those comm_instance variables by calling the octoprint pause, which pauses the print and stores the current data.
This plugin should work perfectly fine though for any instance of “pause the print so I can do something to it” (I’m assuming @iwannasee wants to maybe put magnets in the print or something).
M600 would be a welcome upgrade.
Now it would be nice if Luban would show or give a status on a layer that the SM2 is printing or allow users to see individual layers after it slices things to help me identify which layer is best for the pause (M600) to be inserted.