Do I have a bad linear rail?

I just got this yesterday and I’m trying to calibrate it. When I try to move up and down one rail moves twice as far as the other rail. It won’t let me upload a video though. I go to move it down and the one side will go down more than the other, then skip and go back to being even with the other side.

Are you mixing old rails with new ones? I have seen in other forums that you can’t do that.

This is all the stuff that cam with it. I have never owned one before

Sounds like you have an x/y rail in the position of your z-rail. Check your markings.
The 2 Z should be marked Lead 20mm.


This was indeed the case. I just can’t read apparently.

i didn’t realise the rails were different from each other. yesterday i assembled my A350T and nothing worked, i tried to set the bed height for the laser head and at first the right hand module (Z axis) tried to move but the left hand module didn’t. then i unplugged the machine and plugged it in again without any head connected and updated the firmware and after that a message appeared on the screen saying that the firmware for the linear modules was out of date so i updated that and now when i try to set the bed height nothing moves. when i turn on the machine there is always a slight clunk coming from the linear modules on the Y axis. also i have swapped cables on the Z axis converter box and the problem stayed the same so i am sure the left module on the Z axis is at fault but after doing all the updates i think the controller is also playing up. i only get the option of jogging the Z axis on the touch screen so i don’t know if any of the other linears work or not. the button for up down left right on the screen is greyed out.