I’m having trouble to startup my new A350. After assembly it couldn’t go pass first calibration as it was hitting bed. I have bypassed this by touching sensor manually to check axes in next step.
At first they just moved in one direction Y / Z and X. I have duble checked connections but they seams fine. Later on I have updated to latest software and now Y and X is recognized and moving. I don’t know why but Y axis is moving in different direction then on touchpad. When I pres to move to my it’s moving opposite.
With Z axes I can’t move UP. When I press down it’s moving as predicted but when I press up only number on touchpad is changing.
I will be grateful for advice as it’s pissing me off as I have followed every step according assembly movie. But maybe I just didn’t catch up something.
I’m sure you did everything right, but there appears to be a somewhat common issue where the endstops in the linear modules are triggering all the time when they shouldn’t be.
z MAX is all the time TRIGGERED. I have turned on machine with only one connected and find out that probably just one is the problem (right one)
I have opened both sliders from side where cable is not attached but didn’t find nothing what can be the cause. Switches are not on and in identical condition… I have tried click them and they click as normal. When I go up with slider they click when it’s a top. When my phone come back to life I can upload images.
Maybe something wrong is on the bootom (from side where cable is connected) but M119 says that z MAX is the problem… Please let me know if you have some other ideas?
Hmmmm. Usually I see people say grease was wedging the switch stuck, or a cable or something was pressing on the switch.
Haven’t come across what you’re saying before. That sounds like it could be a different issue.
I believe the switches will show as “triggered” if a cable becomes unplugged. You should probably reach out to support so as to ensure no warranties get voided by damaging anything. They likely will have you take off the cable side. There’s a few gotchas when disassembling and reassembling that side that can damage things - cables that get caught, or pieces that can hang and be damaged.
However, if you feel handy and capable, there’s a nice picture-guide of the inside of that side here: Excessive play in x-axis linear module bracket. His issue was different than yours, but the last picture shows the control boards inside - there’s a black and white cable that plugs into a connector from the side (not shown in the picture) that I think may have come out?
Thank you. I’ll contact them and see what they can propose. Hope to have some info from them before new year.
Just a silly question (as at the end I was not able to run the machine even once). Is it normal that when standing in front of the machine when I press the arrow directed in my direction it’s moving in opposite? I have checked in last hours 3 times the installation guide but I didn’t find any errors in assembly.
Haha, I have no idea which arrow does what, it’s always trial and error for me. Z Up and Down is pretty straightforward. X left and right is straightforward if you’re standing in front of the machine. Y though, never get it right the first try. I think Y Up corresponds to the table moving towards you, because Y=0 is at the front of the table, and Up refers to the coordinates going up.
If it’s not doing that, no idea. I’d say get the endstop switches sorted out first, they can cause weird things with movement when triggered.