Discussion of Snapmaker 2.0 Firmware Updates

you can downgrade, the last most stable version was 1.9 from what i understand.

im not having the issues you describe.


Haven’t had any error issues per say with 11.4 but every time I power up the machine now I have to either reenter the wifi password or toggle the wifi on/off for it to reconnect again.

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I’ve also got the issue on 1.11.4 where the wifi connection info is forgotten on power off. I’ve also noticed that if I try to send a file over wifi, I get no progress on the touchscreen. I tried power cycling and relaunching Luban, but no matter what, sending gcode over wifi doesn’t show progress. It seems to send, but nothing to indicate that bits are moving (it also takes forever

As a feature request, what about copying files from USB to internal storage? Doesn’t seem to be possible now, and I’d rather not rely on a USB disk staying connected for a 30 hour print.

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I’m having a host of problems with the new update. Everything I send to the printer to print either via USB or WiFi fails to print I have to run the entire print from my computer. Previously the print head would never receive commands to heat up so the bed would heat and we’d wait endlessly for the print to start because the print head would never heat up. Had issues with the last firmware setting the Z axis. This seems to have been fixed though when it took the old settings initially it attempted to ram the print head through the print board on me and caused nice deep grooves on my print platform so I had to flip it over. I recalibrated it and it did it again gouging this side. At this point I figured out that the first time it did it it had pushed the sensor too far up and wasnt registering the board. So I have all that straightened out now but still cannot send prints directly. Printing it directly though has it’s problems too. For instance someone accidentally unplugged my laptop during a print and the print stopped and was unable to resume so I had to start a 76 hour print with 12 hours left to go all over again.

I think I actually was just overloading the socket the SM was plugged into, I was running my filament dryer on the same surge protector, unplugged it and all the problems went away.

After upgrading to 1.11.4 the WiFi is lost on power down. Every time I turn on the machine after powering down I have to reenter the WiFi password. It remembers the computer and doesn’t require authentication each time I reconnect.

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The rumor is that if you turn wifi off and on it will reconnect

After updated to firmwareV1.11.4, I am experiencing these:

  • X-axis movement randomly stops/freeze, can’t move left or right. I have to turn off and on the power to make it work again.
  • X-motor is warmer, also make a noise.
  • I set the nozzle or bed to a certain temperature, once it reach the temperature it gone back to 0 degree.

Does anyone has this issue ? Then I downgrade the firmware, so far nothing happen as above.

Nothing of this issues appeared to me till the last fw update.

Which is the last firmware you using ?

I have the same like you.

I have two thoughts about these firmware problems

Alot of people are having zero issues.

Some people are having all kinds of issues.

So, I wonder - what’s different? Are we upgrading from different firmware versions? I upgraded from the previous version to the latest, some are skipping ahead versions.

Also, maybe if we do a factory reset after the firmware upgrade, any kind of weird artifacts would clear up. You know how luban has issues with installation updates unless you go back and delete all the old hidden files? Factory reset would do this yeah?

Surely theres some source of issue and it is not just “fuck you” at random

Maybe a couple of units got different HW revisions for screen and controller (maybe even modules play into this) and this could be an issue? Some have “matching” revisions which dont have an issue and some might have a “missmatched” pairing? But yeah maybe jumping versions could be an issue, but shouldnt all settings be reset when an update is done so the preivious SW versions dont make this kind of issue?

Youd think so but
 i wouldnt make that assumption without investigation. luban updates continually prove this

i dont have any issues to test this theory though.

I found on another snapmaker group to update to each firmware in order, if you skip one and go to the latest version that’s when problems start. Which means they aren’t using the current versions source coding to implement changes.

I thought that could be the case!

As a software developer and electronic engineer it makes me cringe lol

Much of what snapmaker has done is cringe worthy, they are trying to straighten it out but they got a loooong list

So now it appears the SM loses wifi while sitting idle, and when it does it won’t remember the passwords. Seems like every time I want to print something, I need to manually toggle the wifi off and on to get it to connect. I’d just use Octoprint, but I want to have the filament runout/power loss recovery, which means touchscreen.

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Well as discussed a bit earlier, try to roll back and install the updates in order of release and see if the problems go away

be our test dummy :smiley: