Cuts Not Appearing Where Specified

What’s going on here? I know i packed these pretty tightly, but at no point, did I expect the laser cutter to cross over previous cuts. Now granted, looking at the Luban image, apparently I did make a couple overlaps (although I didn’t think I did), it’s not nearly as bad as the what’s actually coming out of the cutter. What’s going on here? I’m not losing steps in the travel, because the shapes are correctly drawn, they’re just misplaced. (789.4 KB)

Hmm, If I had to guess, when it did the small circles on the far right, it went out of bounds/reach the end of the rail. This would have reset the origin point, ‘pushing’ everything to the left more.

I did have a similar problem. Files built-in illustrator and loaded in Luban. Problem was they had to all be grouped together then exported to Luban. The were then cut in place.

There is definitely a problem with the current version of Luban. I have simple laser jobs printing with jacked up X coordinates. Y seems fine, but left to right objects are skewed by up to an inch. Even cutting a single object, the boundary runs correctly, but the actual job is skewed on X.