Customer service failure

I have now made two requests, PM’d a staff member, submitted a warranty claim and tried to call the customer service line and apart from receiving automated email replies to the requests have yet to be able to contact anyone in customer service, or be contacted in response to my requests.

Trying to call the provided Customer service phone number is pointless as I have tried twice now and the phone is not answered.

Currently I have a brand new SNAPMAKER 2 A350, which is completely useless due to a component failure two days after the construction. The X-AXIS linear rail has failed and will not move the head modules.

This is very poor service for an expensive piece of equipment, that is now acting as a large paperweight.

As I understand it, China is on holiday between 1 and 8 October. The timezone is UTC+8, this is a start-up company that is transitioning between Kick-starter mode and production mode.

I don’t know if any of that helps you, but I thought I’d point it out.

Disclaimer: I’m a customer like you, I’m still waiting for my A350 to ship and I’m here because I’m attempting to absorb as much as possible around the ecosystem that SM represents. So far I’ve learnt lots. The biggest takeaway for me is that the community here is lovely, SM is going through growing pains and they’re possibly understaffed.

Take what you will from this.

Ok, thanks for that, It would explain it. Lets see what happens when they get back. But I appreciate the information. Its just that having waited for a year to get this and then to have it fail a couple of days later after getting it is frustrating in the extreme. But I am willing to give them every chance.

There is a known early failure mode of linear modules, involved some heat distribution:

Sometimes you can fix it yourself, and sometimes they have to send you replacement hardware.

Thanks, I had already seen that recommendation and did the check, the silicon pad is in place, but only one of them, the PDF file shows two. Not sure if that is significant. Took photos of mine and sent them in to customer service…

All the checks and corrective actions they suggest have been done, to no avail (TNA).

I am unwilling to go further as this is still under warranty.

I have heard back from Snapmaker the other day. They are going to send a replacement linear module